Windmills in Norway

Norway's annual energy consumption is more than 300 TWh!

About half of the energy we use in Norway is fossil (produced from coal, oil and gas). Electricity is the most used energy commodity, followed by fossil gas and fossil fuel for transport.

Efforts are being made to phase out the use of fossil sources and replace these with energy from renewable sources, with the aim of reduced emissions of CO2. Hydropower, solar energy, wind power and other renewable sources are under establishment/construction/mapping etc. BUT the most important thing is to reduce the need for energy (use less) and to improve energy efficiency where possible.πŸ’‘

For example, a study from 2020 showed that energy efficiency in Norwegian commercial buildings could potentially provide an energy saving of 16 TWh (Source: SINTEF)! And the government has now set a target of 10 TWh energy use in existing buildings!

At the end of 2023, there were 65 wind power plants with a total of 1,392 turbines in Norway. These have a normal annual production of 16.9 TWh (Source: From Solkraft, just over 300 MW was connected to the grid in 2023. In 2023, 137.3 TWh was added from hydropower.


Many energy efficiency measures will be taken, and a number of more renewable installations will be built to phase out fossil sources. How do we ensure that this is done in the most sustainable way? How do we look after nature and the earth's resources? πŸ’šπŸŒ How should the mix optimally be?


CCS in Fredrikstad


"I Norge stiller vi opp for hverandre"